Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finding the right yoga style and class

On The Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach Show this past Wednesday I talked about yoga styles and decided to share some details here as well.

Hatha yoga focuses on physical health and well being. Almost all yoga classes you will find will fall under this umbrella. There are other types of yoga but this is the physical practice most people are used to seeing/hearing about. Hatha means 'sun/moon' and strives to find balance to opposites such as front and back, top and bottom, right to left, up and down. Yoga means to yoke or unite. Yoga is meant to bring balance. Since there are many body types and reasons people want to take yoga there are many styles to choose from. Here are some guidelines:

1) First make sure you are clear on what it is you want to accomplish. Do you want to get strong, get flexible, prevent sports injuries, relax, restore? This will help you determine the class you select. If you already exercise you may not need strength from your practice. If you get bored moving slowly (and are already physically fit) you may want a more invigorating class. If you are recovering from an illness or injury please find a gentle or restorative class.

2) Determine if you want a group class or private lessons. Many times people will take a private lesson or two if they want to learn how their body will perform in the postures in a one-on-one setting. The price may be more but well worth it because in one hour you can learn more about yourself than you would in weeks or months of group classes. If you want accountability both will work. Sign up and then go.

3) Find a style that matches your personality. Do you like to move slowly? If so then consider a gentle hatha class or try alignment based yoga such as Iyengar or Anusara. If you like moving more quickly and are fit then try vinyasa; also known as flow. The poses flow together and you may notice more physical warming in this type of practice. Vinyasa came from Ashtanga yoga which is a challenging yet fun practice. You can also take a power yoga class if you like a heated room. Hot yoga the room is even warmer (104 vs. 98). Bikram is a form of hot yoga where you do the same 26 postures in a row; twice. There are other styles like yin, restorative, sivandanda, kundalini and so on. First get information on the class and the teacher and then give it a try. If you don't like it then find another style. You can always find a style that will suit your needs and desires.

4) Don't skip levels. If you are new to yoga take the series one or level one classes. Form first.

If you want more information just let me know.


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