Sunday, January 31, 2010

Introducing Yen Path


I haven't posted in a while but have some exciting news. I want to introduce Yen Path; a new product line I am rolling out. There will be a new website and blog in the next few months and after that a CD and then the book titled Yen Path: A Method for Fulfilling Your Desires. I have other product ideas in mind too.

Yen means longing, yearning or desire. Most of us are too busy to pay attention to ours and I want to help people to find easy ways of doing so. Life is so much more meaningful when you know what want and how to begin to make it happen.

The changes start immediately by allowing you to use the power of positive thought. Yen Path is not about an end result; it's about living in the moment.

I will keep you posted and in the mean time take a moment to think about something that makes you feel really good inside.

All the best.