As I was typing my title for this posting I noticed a little green frog looking at me from the inside of my window. Then I saw another one. You may be thinking that's not a big deal but for me it is. It's funny that I am living back in FL with my fear of reptiles. I have water on two sides of the house so there is all kinds of wildlife from little one inch frogs to big alligators. Except for my fear of things that slither and hop, I have to say Florida life suits me very well. But on to my topic.
Most of us like to feel that we have some sense of control but when unexpected events occur that myth is apparent. While you may not always be in control, whats important is to not panic or freeze. How can you continue to move towards your goals when the unexpected happens? Here's how:
1) Evaluate the situation (unless there are safety concerns and the act immediately) - Otherwise take time to access the situation. It can be easy to create a big deal out of something small so take time to adjust when at all possible. For example; if someone at work got the promotion you were expecting don't run in to your boss' office and say things you may regret later.
2) Re-examine your goal - Is it still worth moving forward with your original plan or is there a need for a change? For example you may want to look at your core values, beliefs, needs, etc. as it relates to your goal - Is there something here that you can use to anchor you to get you back on track or do you want to make some changes to your goal? If you want more information on these topics you can purchase a copy of my book Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) for $9.95
3)Create a new plan - It's important to get back into action as quickly as possible to avoid stagnation. Many times a hurdle is perceived as an indication that you are not meant to achieve that goal and that is simply not true. Be creative and figure out another way or just try again.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A new shift is coming - growth to harvest
As I was walking my puppy at 5:00 this morning I noticed the long summer days are leaving us. Our shift from summer to fall; from growth to harvest is here.
What are your goals and how have you been preparing to manifest them? Without intention and action you will not get results. In my book Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) I describe the four steps as intention, clarity, action and next steps. For more information you can go to
What works for nature will work for you. Take advantage of the warm, sunny days to have your own personal growth phase so that you will have something to harvest in a few months. Wouldn't it be great if by December you could look back at this time period in your life with pride and satisfaction?
If you have questions please feel free to email me at
What are your goals and how have you been preparing to manifest them? Without intention and action you will not get results. In my book Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) I describe the four steps as intention, clarity, action and next steps. For more information you can go to
What works for nature will work for you. Take advantage of the warm, sunny days to have your own personal growth phase so that you will have something to harvest in a few months. Wouldn't it be great if by December you could look back at this time period in your life with pride and satisfaction?
If you have questions please feel free to email me at
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How to set loving boundaries
Setting boundaries is one way you can help to improve a relationship. Many times our relationships suffer because either we; or the other person is stuck in a pattern that is not supporting a healthy relationship. Constant complaining is an example of a situation that may require a loving boundary. Here are some tips:
1) Redirect conversation: If you, or someone you know is starting to sound like a broken record consider how you can come up with something new to talk about. For example, if a person (or you) always talks about how bad your day is going, or how bad you feel then instead focus on something positive. Notice something that looks or feels right. It can improve your mood and help another person to focus on the positive. Another example would be if you seem to end up in conversations that focus on gossiping. What else can you talk about instead. Engage in conversation that is interesting and up-beat and do not allow the conversation to slip back into negative territory.
2) Be aware of how you spend your time: If you have a plan at the beginning of the day on how you want to spend your time and stick to it you will not fall victim to frustration later when situations occur that you were not expecting. Do yo know someone that expects you to drop everything to listen to them? If so kindly tell them you cannot talk now and schedule some time for them later on. This will help you to feel in control and you may be better equipped to listen later.
3) Provide effective feedback: The first step to effective feedback is to ask for permission. Sometimes a person is not ready to listen. When they are ready, you give them a specific example of a behavior and the specific way it makes you feel. "When you say (or do)_______ it makes me feel _______". Opening channels of communication can help lead you both in a new direction. If either party gets emotional then stop and apologize. Try again later or you may want to find a mediator.
4) Follow your heart: It's okay to say no thank you. You do not always need to follow someone else's agenda.
5) Only allot a certain amount of time for those difficult but necessary relationships. People are not entitled to use you as a door mat but be kind and helpful whenever possible.
6) Get professional help or find a support group if your techniques are not working. Don't just give up. Keeping your relationships healthy will pay off. You can move yourself and your loved one to a better place and these are the most rewarding relationships; the ones we can grow with.
1) Redirect conversation: If you, or someone you know is starting to sound like a broken record consider how you can come up with something new to talk about. For example, if a person (or you) always talks about how bad your day is going, or how bad you feel then instead focus on something positive. Notice something that looks or feels right. It can improve your mood and help another person to focus on the positive. Another example would be if you seem to end up in conversations that focus on gossiping. What else can you talk about instead. Engage in conversation that is interesting and up-beat and do not allow the conversation to slip back into negative territory.
2) Be aware of how you spend your time: If you have a plan at the beginning of the day on how you want to spend your time and stick to it you will not fall victim to frustration later when situations occur that you were not expecting. Do yo know someone that expects you to drop everything to listen to them? If so kindly tell them you cannot talk now and schedule some time for them later on. This will help you to feel in control and you may be better equipped to listen later.
3) Provide effective feedback: The first step to effective feedback is to ask for permission. Sometimes a person is not ready to listen. When they are ready, you give them a specific example of a behavior and the specific way it makes you feel. "When you say (or do)_______ it makes me feel _______". Opening channels of communication can help lead you both in a new direction. If either party gets emotional then stop and apologize. Try again later or you may want to find a mediator.
4) Follow your heart: It's okay to say no thank you. You do not always need to follow someone else's agenda.
5) Only allot a certain amount of time for those difficult but necessary relationships. People are not entitled to use you as a door mat but be kind and helpful whenever possible.
6) Get professional help or find a support group if your techniques are not working. Don't just give up. Keeping your relationships healthy will pay off. You can move yourself and your loved one to a better place and these are the most rewarding relationships; the ones we can grow with.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Healthy Relationships
I spoke about this on The Jenny Gallagher Show: Your Wellness Coach last week and wanted to share some thoughts with you here as well.
The first thing I want to say about relationships is the most important one starts with you. If you do not have a good connection with yourself and cannot satisfy your own needs then how can you expect someone else to? Many times when we are having troubles in our relationships it is because we project our 'baggage' onto someone else. No one else can meet your expectations. Only you can.
Relationships do provide satisfaction and happiness and this can improve your physical and mental health. But the opposite can occur as well. We really do need each other to survive. At the most basic level we need another human in order to create off-spring. We also need each other to create food, shelter and to raise our children. If the unit (family, community, etc) is successful then the individuals will thrive.
So why do people struggle with relationships? As I mentioned earlier it is easy to project our fears and shortcomings on others. Instead take time to diagnosis your feelings and fix them yourself. Here are some examples:
-If you feel put down you are suffering from a lack of self worth. Can you begin to gain confidence in yourself so you do not need to feel put down? It's just a feeling and feelings come about from thoughts. So instead think differently. You don't need to confront the other person. Change the way you feel about yourself so you don't feel put down. Another thing you can consider is if there may be a change you do want to make. Maybe the other person has a good point and then you should be thanking them for bringing this to your attention. Or if a person continually puts you down it may be time to change how you interact with that person. You can create loving boundaries. There is never any value in taking verbal abuse from someone. Change how you interact with them but in a loving way.
-Do you feel manipulated? You could value freedom and feel it is being threatened. Again consider the feeling, see if there is merit and if you want make personal changes. If there isn't merit and this person continually treats you this way then its time to set the loving boundaries. Never be confrontational. It solves nothing and reduces you to their level. When you stay in integrity you can help others to get over their fears and hang-ups. Together you can learn and grow.
-Do you feel ignored, alone or left out? If so you are lacking in feeling loved or having a sense of importance. What can you do to change this? Can you start to love and lover yourself more? Can you begin to consider new interests and find ways to meet new people?
-Do you feel cheated? If so you may strongly value a sense of justice and you can begin to create balance by changing your thoughts and actions.
-Do you feel defensive? Your need for safety has been threatened. Is it valid or is your ego getting in the way. Usually all we have to do is recognize the root cause and amazing changes can occur. Sometimes when I realize it is my ego I sigh and roll my eyes (at myself). The ego can be our worst enemy; not the other person. That's why my first statement was about having a healthy relationship with ourself.
-Do you fell cynical? You are lacking in trust. Ask yourself why. Many times this can simply be a bad habit. Stop watching the news and attaching to the negativity that is all around us.
I hope that helps. All the best and live well.
The first thing I want to say about relationships is the most important one starts with you. If you do not have a good connection with yourself and cannot satisfy your own needs then how can you expect someone else to? Many times when we are having troubles in our relationships it is because we project our 'baggage' onto someone else. No one else can meet your expectations. Only you can.
Relationships do provide satisfaction and happiness and this can improve your physical and mental health. But the opposite can occur as well. We really do need each other to survive. At the most basic level we need another human in order to create off-spring. We also need each other to create food, shelter and to raise our children. If the unit (family, community, etc) is successful then the individuals will thrive.
So why do people struggle with relationships? As I mentioned earlier it is easy to project our fears and shortcomings on others. Instead take time to diagnosis your feelings and fix them yourself. Here are some examples:
-If you feel put down you are suffering from a lack of self worth. Can you begin to gain confidence in yourself so you do not need to feel put down? It's just a feeling and feelings come about from thoughts. So instead think differently. You don't need to confront the other person. Change the way you feel about yourself so you don't feel put down. Another thing you can consider is if there may be a change you do want to make. Maybe the other person has a good point and then you should be thanking them for bringing this to your attention. Or if a person continually puts you down it may be time to change how you interact with that person. You can create loving boundaries. There is never any value in taking verbal abuse from someone. Change how you interact with them but in a loving way.
-Do you feel manipulated? You could value freedom and feel it is being threatened. Again consider the feeling, see if there is merit and if you want make personal changes. If there isn't merit and this person continually treats you this way then its time to set the loving boundaries. Never be confrontational. It solves nothing and reduces you to their level. When you stay in integrity you can help others to get over their fears and hang-ups. Together you can learn and grow.
-Do you feel ignored, alone or left out? If so you are lacking in feeling loved or having a sense of importance. What can you do to change this? Can you start to love and lover yourself more? Can you begin to consider new interests and find ways to meet new people?
-Do you feel cheated? If so you may strongly value a sense of justice and you can begin to create balance by changing your thoughts and actions.
-Do you feel defensive? Your need for safety has been threatened. Is it valid or is your ego getting in the way. Usually all we have to do is recognize the root cause and amazing changes can occur. Sometimes when I realize it is my ego I sigh and roll my eyes (at myself). The ego can be our worst enemy; not the other person. That's why my first statement was about having a healthy relationship with ourself.
-Do you fell cynical? You are lacking in trust. Ask yourself why. Many times this can simply be a bad habit. Stop watching the news and attaching to the negativity that is all around us.
I hope that helps. All the best and live well.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Right Thinking - What is it and how you can change your world
Right thinking is a concept I talked about on The Jenny Gallagher Show this past week and I want to share it with you as well.
Every thought produces one of three possible feelings: positive, negative and neutral. Let's say you just found out you got a promotion at work. Most likely you will have a positive feeling in response to the news. Now lets imagine someone else got the promotion. If the news has no impact on you it is likely you will have a neutral response; in other words that thought doesn't generate a feeling. But lets say you wanted the promotion. Now it is possible that you will have a negative feeling and just like good feelings it can range from mild to intense.
If you believe you have no control over your thoughts and that its the situations in your life that make you feel the way you do then please read on. You do have the ability; the power to change your thoughts. The way you think is like anything else you do. It is simply a habit. That is why people respond to situations differently; they actually perceive the situation differently. While your initial feeling to a thought may be negative it is possible to shift and that is what right thinking is all about. It's not about being fake and not honoring the way you "really feel".
Its about taking control; you acknowledge the initial feeling and move towards something better. You are the only person that can make yourself feel good about yourself and your life. If you want to keep blaming other people and situations for how you feel you can but maybe instead try to practice right thinking for the next 21days. Here's how:
First when you have a negative thought take a moment to understand what is creating that feeling. What are you feeling? Hurt, embarrassed, rejected, sad, grief, ashamed, powerless, confused, cheated, intimidated, cynical? I found a great list of negative feelings at if you want to check it out.
Second determine the root cause of the feeling. Many times if you are honest with yourself it is your ego getting in the way. The ego can be the selfish inner child and needs to be handled as such. Don't tolerate bad behavior. If it is the ego take a moment to shake it off and move on to the next step. If the root cause is something else like real sadness or grief it may simply take you time to heal. In this case care for yourself like you would a sick child. Nurture and be tender. Thankfully time does heal.
Third and this is the biggie. Make a conscious choice to shift your thoughts to something more positive. You can do one of two things.
1 - Shift to a totally different thought to just give yourself a break from the pain you are feeling. I do this all the time. I tend to be a worrier and if I stop and pause and realize these thoughts are not productive then I will focus on something else for a while. I will think of something that is beautiful or wonderful.
Worrying (and complaining) can lead you to in a positive direction but if it doesn't then understand it is a bad habit and you then need to replace the bad habit with a good one. You know you have a bad habit with a thought/feeling when it stays with you for weeks, months and years. Maybe its time for a change.
2 - Stay with the thought but think about it from another angle. If you are self consumed (ego) try thinking about it from the other persons point of view. With the promotion example can you feel happy for them? Or if you really can't manage that can you think about how you can move forward in a more productive manner? Maybe there are things you can admit to like you weren't really ready for the promotion anyway or it would have taken up too much of your time. Maybe you will realize you need more education or training or that you have a totally different interest. Use these opportunities to grow. Always try to feel good about yourself; this is a way of honoring yourself and living to a higher standard will make you feel better.
Again, for the next 21 days try to practice right thinking. Whenever a negative feeling comes up stop and examine it and then make a conscious choice on how you want to proceed. This isn't hard. I believe it is hard to feel bad and love to examine the challenges in my life from different perspectives. It allows me to see opportunity and to move forward. Be a creator and create the life you deserve.
All the best and Live Well.
Every thought produces one of three possible feelings: positive, negative and neutral. Let's say you just found out you got a promotion at work. Most likely you will have a positive feeling in response to the news. Now lets imagine someone else got the promotion. If the news has no impact on you it is likely you will have a neutral response; in other words that thought doesn't generate a feeling. But lets say you wanted the promotion. Now it is possible that you will have a negative feeling and just like good feelings it can range from mild to intense.
If you believe you have no control over your thoughts and that its the situations in your life that make you feel the way you do then please read on. You do have the ability; the power to change your thoughts. The way you think is like anything else you do. It is simply a habit. That is why people respond to situations differently; they actually perceive the situation differently. While your initial feeling to a thought may be negative it is possible to shift and that is what right thinking is all about. It's not about being fake and not honoring the way you "really feel".
Its about taking control; you acknowledge the initial feeling and move towards something better. You are the only person that can make yourself feel good about yourself and your life. If you want to keep blaming other people and situations for how you feel you can but maybe instead try to practice right thinking for the next 21days. Here's how:
First when you have a negative thought take a moment to understand what is creating that feeling. What are you feeling? Hurt, embarrassed, rejected, sad, grief, ashamed, powerless, confused, cheated, intimidated, cynical? I found a great list of negative feelings at if you want to check it out.
Second determine the root cause of the feeling. Many times if you are honest with yourself it is your ego getting in the way. The ego can be the selfish inner child and needs to be handled as such. Don't tolerate bad behavior. If it is the ego take a moment to shake it off and move on to the next step. If the root cause is something else like real sadness or grief it may simply take you time to heal. In this case care for yourself like you would a sick child. Nurture and be tender. Thankfully time does heal.
Third and this is the biggie. Make a conscious choice to shift your thoughts to something more positive. You can do one of two things.
1 - Shift to a totally different thought to just give yourself a break from the pain you are feeling. I do this all the time. I tend to be a worrier and if I stop and pause and realize these thoughts are not productive then I will focus on something else for a while. I will think of something that is beautiful or wonderful.
Worrying (and complaining) can lead you to in a positive direction but if it doesn't then understand it is a bad habit and you then need to replace the bad habit with a good one. You know you have a bad habit with a thought/feeling when it stays with you for weeks, months and years. Maybe its time for a change.
2 - Stay with the thought but think about it from another angle. If you are self consumed (ego) try thinking about it from the other persons point of view. With the promotion example can you feel happy for them? Or if you really can't manage that can you think about how you can move forward in a more productive manner? Maybe there are things you can admit to like you weren't really ready for the promotion anyway or it would have taken up too much of your time. Maybe you will realize you need more education or training or that you have a totally different interest. Use these opportunities to grow. Always try to feel good about yourself; this is a way of honoring yourself and living to a higher standard will make you feel better.
Again, for the next 21 days try to practice right thinking. Whenever a negative feeling comes up stop and examine it and then make a conscious choice on how you want to proceed. This isn't hard. I believe it is hard to feel bad and love to examine the challenges in my life from different perspectives. It allows me to see opportunity and to move forward. Be a creator and create the life you deserve.
All the best and Live Well.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Financial Fitness
When you hear the word fitness do you tend to think of physical fitness? You can have a goal to be financially fit as well and you can use some of the same approaches as you would for phyiscal fitness. Here are some of my ideas for financial fitness:
1) Being lean can be a choice. It does not mean you are sickly or lacking. Instead enjoy savoring what you have, and feel full and complete. With food and spending if you never feel satisfied you are lead to over consuming; which is not healthy. Feeling full, or complete comes from making the right choices. For example you may need a car but do you need an expensive one? High end products are satisfying more than basic needs so make sure you understand why you are making your decision and then move forward. Having an expensive car is fine if you can afford it and understand you are satisfying other needs such as acceptance, prestigue or comfort to name a few.
2) Instead of counting calories watch every penny. Budget and stick to it whenever possible. Don't be implusive.
3) Flex your financial muscle. Just like building muscles in your body it takes repetitive behaviors to get good results.
4) Continue to learn. Read or watch shows where the experts give you advice. I like Suzie Orman and Clark Howard (on Headline News). I'm not a financial expert and like simple, logical advice.
5) Come up with goals and then save for them. If you want purchase a copy of my book Four Steps to a Better Life for $9.95. Create a plan first. It's motivating and provides focus. For more information go to
6) Whenever possible save then buy. If you are mad at big business and banks for past indiscresions then don't continue to support them. Plus psychologically it's harder to pay for things you already have so you may be more likely to instead shift your focus to the next thing you want and your debt will only grow.
1) Being lean can be a choice. It does not mean you are sickly or lacking. Instead enjoy savoring what you have, and feel full and complete. With food and spending if you never feel satisfied you are lead to over consuming; which is not healthy. Feeling full, or complete comes from making the right choices. For example you may need a car but do you need an expensive one? High end products are satisfying more than basic needs so make sure you understand why you are making your decision and then move forward. Having an expensive car is fine if you can afford it and understand you are satisfying other needs such as acceptance, prestigue or comfort to name a few.
2) Instead of counting calories watch every penny. Budget and stick to it whenever possible. Don't be implusive.
3) Flex your financial muscle. Just like building muscles in your body it takes repetitive behaviors to get good results.
4) Continue to learn. Read or watch shows where the experts give you advice. I like Suzie Orman and Clark Howard (on Headline News). I'm not a financial expert and like simple, logical advice.
5) Come up with goals and then save for them. If you want purchase a copy of my book Four Steps to a Better Life for $9.95. Create a plan first. It's motivating and provides focus. For more information go to
6) Whenever possible save then buy. If you are mad at big business and banks for past indiscresions then don't continue to support them. Plus psychologically it's harder to pay for things you already have so you may be more likely to instead shift your focus to the next thing you want and your debt will only grow.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Finding the right yoga style and class
On The Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach Show this past Wednesday I talked about yoga styles and decided to share some details here as well.
Hatha yoga focuses on physical health and well being. Almost all yoga classes you will find will fall under this umbrella. There are other types of yoga but this is the physical practice most people are used to seeing/hearing about. Hatha means 'sun/moon' and strives to find balance to opposites such as front and back, top and bottom, right to left, up and down. Yoga means to yoke or unite. Yoga is meant to bring balance. Since there are many body types and reasons people want to take yoga there are many styles to choose from. Here are some guidelines:
1) First make sure you are clear on what it is you want to accomplish. Do you want to get strong, get flexible, prevent sports injuries, relax, restore? This will help you determine the class you select. If you already exercise you may not need strength from your practice. If you get bored moving slowly (and are already physically fit) you may want a more invigorating class. If you are recovering from an illness or injury please find a gentle or restorative class.
2) Determine if you want a group class or private lessons. Many times people will take a private lesson or two if they want to learn how their body will perform in the postures in a one-on-one setting. The price may be more but well worth it because in one hour you can learn more about yourself than you would in weeks or months of group classes. If you want accountability both will work. Sign up and then go.
3) Find a style that matches your personality. Do you like to move slowly? If so then consider a gentle hatha class or try alignment based yoga such as Iyengar or Anusara. If you like moving more quickly and are fit then try vinyasa; also known as flow. The poses flow together and you may notice more physical warming in this type of practice. Vinyasa came from Ashtanga yoga which is a challenging yet fun practice. You can also take a power yoga class if you like a heated room. Hot yoga the room is even warmer (104 vs. 98). Bikram is a form of hot yoga where you do the same 26 postures in a row; twice. There are other styles like yin, restorative, sivandanda, kundalini and so on. First get information on the class and the teacher and then give it a try. If you don't like it then find another style. You can always find a style that will suit your needs and desires.
4) Don't skip levels. If you are new to yoga take the series one or level one classes. Form first.
If you want more information just let me know.
Hatha yoga focuses on physical health and well being. Almost all yoga classes you will find will fall under this umbrella. There are other types of yoga but this is the physical practice most people are used to seeing/hearing about. Hatha means 'sun/moon' and strives to find balance to opposites such as front and back, top and bottom, right to left, up and down. Yoga means to yoke or unite. Yoga is meant to bring balance. Since there are many body types and reasons people want to take yoga there are many styles to choose from. Here are some guidelines:
1) First make sure you are clear on what it is you want to accomplish. Do you want to get strong, get flexible, prevent sports injuries, relax, restore? This will help you determine the class you select. If you already exercise you may not need strength from your practice. If you get bored moving slowly (and are already physically fit) you may want a more invigorating class. If you are recovering from an illness or injury please find a gentle or restorative class.
2) Determine if you want a group class or private lessons. Many times people will take a private lesson or two if they want to learn how their body will perform in the postures in a one-on-one setting. The price may be more but well worth it because in one hour you can learn more about yourself than you would in weeks or months of group classes. If you want accountability both will work. Sign up and then go.
3) Find a style that matches your personality. Do you like to move slowly? If so then consider a gentle hatha class or try alignment based yoga such as Iyengar or Anusara. If you like moving more quickly and are fit then try vinyasa; also known as flow. The poses flow together and you may notice more physical warming in this type of practice. Vinyasa came from Ashtanga yoga which is a challenging yet fun practice. You can also take a power yoga class if you like a heated room. Hot yoga the room is even warmer (104 vs. 98). Bikram is a form of hot yoga where you do the same 26 postures in a row; twice. There are other styles like yin, restorative, sivandanda, kundalini and so on. First get information on the class and the teacher and then give it a try. If you don't like it then find another style. You can always find a style that will suit your needs and desires.
4) Don't skip levels. If you are new to yoga take the series one or level one classes. Form first.
If you want more information just let me know.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Overview of topics covered on The Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach Show
What a great first two weeks with my new talk radio show. If you want to start listening in go to every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time. Just click on Listen to Live Radio. Pretty soon there will be recordings of the shows and I will be on other stations. I will keep you posted.
The first week I focused primarily on creating a basis. I introduced myself and wanted to make sure my listeners know I am their wellness coach. While the results may not be as good a phone coaching (because I cannot have a two-way conversation); my objective is to share coaching, nutrition, fitness and wellness tips. I want to educate and motivate. I want you to get started today with your goals. If you are too busy then your goal is to make the time or find the resources so you can get going.
I shared my definition of wellness; which is wholeness. Wellness is everything: health, finances, relationships, career, selfcare...
I talked about nutrition and the importance of providing the body with nutrients. A diet high in refined carbohydrates leaves the body starving and contributes to over eating. Plus too much sugar (yes you get sugar from breads and pasta) makes your body rely on insulin and over time can create resistance. Good foods give you energy; they don't take it. So if you want to start to feel better immediately begin to consider small changes you can make with your diet. Maybe replace one bad habit with a new good one. Did you know an apple will wake you up more than a coffee? Especially if there is sugar in the coffee.
I talked about fitness and in the upcoming weeks I will have guests on my show to share their success stories and products they like. Some will talk about nutrition as well. Both diet and exercise will help you to feel better. But think of exercise as play time. Even a 5 minute walk will improve your mood. Start small. The small successes will lead to bigger ones.
My book Four Steps to a Better Life was the topic this past Tuesday. Just remember I-C-A-N. If you want more information about my book go to
Wednesday the topic of emotional eating was covered. Why we do it and also what unmet needs are. If you are eating because you are bored, lonely, or even as a way of celebrating it is possible you are over doing it. Stop and think about what you are eating and why. And most importantly don't eliminate the foods you love. There are no bad foods; just moderate. Have those cookies today and an apple tomorrow.
Thursday life balance and life style topics were covered. Many times we are suffering from over load. If you are feeling stressed out there are solutions. Consider scheduling a one-hour coaching call to figure out what those solutions are for you.
Friday my guest was Kathi Joy and she talked about Vitamin G, which is greenery. Getting outside or brining the outside in can really help you to find balance and gain clarity. If you want more information about Kathi you can go to She has free videos you can watch. Check it out!
Next week I have some really great guests so listen in. Here's to a great week and Live Well!
The first week I focused primarily on creating a basis. I introduced myself and wanted to make sure my listeners know I am their wellness coach. While the results may not be as good a phone coaching (because I cannot have a two-way conversation); my objective is to share coaching, nutrition, fitness and wellness tips. I want to educate and motivate. I want you to get started today with your goals. If you are too busy then your goal is to make the time or find the resources so you can get going.
I shared my definition of wellness; which is wholeness. Wellness is everything: health, finances, relationships, career, selfcare...
I talked about nutrition and the importance of providing the body with nutrients. A diet high in refined carbohydrates leaves the body starving and contributes to over eating. Plus too much sugar (yes you get sugar from breads and pasta) makes your body rely on insulin and over time can create resistance. Good foods give you energy; they don't take it. So if you want to start to feel better immediately begin to consider small changes you can make with your diet. Maybe replace one bad habit with a new good one. Did you know an apple will wake you up more than a coffee? Especially if there is sugar in the coffee.
I talked about fitness and in the upcoming weeks I will have guests on my show to share their success stories and products they like. Some will talk about nutrition as well. Both diet and exercise will help you to feel better. But think of exercise as play time. Even a 5 minute walk will improve your mood. Start small. The small successes will lead to bigger ones.
My book Four Steps to a Better Life was the topic this past Tuesday. Just remember I-C-A-N. If you want more information about my book go to
Wednesday the topic of emotional eating was covered. Why we do it and also what unmet needs are. If you are eating because you are bored, lonely, or even as a way of celebrating it is possible you are over doing it. Stop and think about what you are eating and why. And most importantly don't eliminate the foods you love. There are no bad foods; just moderate. Have those cookies today and an apple tomorrow.
Thursday life balance and life style topics were covered. Many times we are suffering from over load. If you are feeling stressed out there are solutions. Consider scheduling a one-hour coaching call to figure out what those solutions are for you.
Friday my guest was Kathi Joy and she talked about Vitamin G, which is greenery. Getting outside or brining the outside in can really help you to find balance and gain clarity. If you want more information about Kathi you can go to She has free videos you can watch. Check it out!
Next week I have some really great guests so listen in. Here's to a great week and Live Well!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wellness Exercises Worksheet
I prepared a worksheet for a workshop I am doing tomorrow and thought I would share it with all of you. If you want more information on this topic please listen to Tuesday May 11, 2010 from 9-10 pacific (noon eastern). I will be on every Tuesday through Friday.
If you want to actual worksheet (Word document) just let me know. Start your path to wellness by creating a sense of wellbeing. You can change how you feel immediately.
Exercise # 1 - Diet (nutrition)
•Sit quietly and enjoy your meal. Don’t read, work, watch television, gossip, etc.
•Only eat foods you love and when you do savor them vs. feeling bad about yourself.
•Write down one unhealthy eating habit & a healthy replacement. Do this for 21 days.
Exercise # 2 - Fun Activities
•Think of something you love to do and write down when you will do it next.
Exercise # 3 – Lifestyle
•Write down an unsatisfactory habit & a healthy replacement for one week. Do this for 21 days.
Exercise # 4 – Reduce Stress
•Present moment practice – Focus on breath and the five senses.
•Guided visualization – the 2 minute vacation
•Write down one change you can make to beautify your environment. Maybe de-clutter or rearrange.
Exercise # 5 – Affirmation•Write down a simple affirmation that you can repeat to yourself several times a day and when you are falling asleep.
All rights resevered - Gallagher Solutions, Inc. 2010
If you want to actual worksheet (Word document) just let me know. Start your path to wellness by creating a sense of wellbeing. You can change how you feel immediately.
Exercise # 1 - Diet (nutrition)
•Sit quietly and enjoy your meal. Don’t read, work, watch television, gossip, etc.
•Only eat foods you love and when you do savor them vs. feeling bad about yourself.
•Write down one unhealthy eating habit & a healthy replacement. Do this for 21 days.
Exercise # 2 - Fun Activities
•Think of something you love to do and write down when you will do it next.
Exercise # 3 – Lifestyle
•Write down an unsatisfactory habit & a healthy replacement for one week. Do this for 21 days.
Exercise # 4 – Reduce Stress
•Present moment practice – Focus on breath and the five senses.
•Guided visualization – the 2 minute vacation
•Write down one change you can make to beautify your environment. Maybe de-clutter or rearrange.
Exercise # 5 – Affirmation•Write down a simple affirmation that you can repeat to yourself several times a day and when you are falling asleep.
All rights resevered - Gallagher Solutions, Inc. 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My new talk radio show
Starting Tuesday 5/11/10 I will be on WKSC1300 AM and from 9-10 am pacific time (noon eastern time). The show will be called Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach and I will provide information and motivation to get you going on your path to wellness. The show will be on every Tuesday through Friday and I hope you can join us.
Wellness is an overall sense of wellbeing and a big part of wellness is a healthy mind and body.
To have a healthy mind you must learn how to relax and how to focus on positive thoughts. There is scientific proof that positive thoughts improve health and can even have miraculous healing qualities.
To have a healthy body you must take care of it. This includes a healthy diet and exercise but neither need to be 'hard'. The show will share ideas so you can connect with feeling good about your choices; of which there are many. Other factors things like your environment, which includes decluttering, and getting plenty of rest.
For every excuse you have there is someone out there to prove you wrong. You may think you are too busy or don't have enough money but trust me -- there are people out there busier and poorer that are doing it. The show will share these inspiring stories as well.
If you ever want to be a guest on my show please let me know. We'll schedule some time to talk about your topic and see if it is a good fit.
Just don't give up. Let's enjoy life and create wellbeing.
Wellness is an overall sense of wellbeing and a big part of wellness is a healthy mind and body.
To have a healthy mind you must learn how to relax and how to focus on positive thoughts. There is scientific proof that positive thoughts improve health and can even have miraculous healing qualities.
To have a healthy body you must take care of it. This includes a healthy diet and exercise but neither need to be 'hard'. The show will share ideas so you can connect with feeling good about your choices; of which there are many. Other factors things like your environment, which includes decluttering, and getting plenty of rest.
For every excuse you have there is someone out there to prove you wrong. You may think you are too busy or don't have enough money but trust me -- there are people out there busier and poorer that are doing it. The show will share these inspiring stories as well.
If you ever want to be a guest on my show please let me know. We'll schedule some time to talk about your topic and see if it is a good fit.
Just don't give up. Let's enjoy life and create wellbeing.
life coaching,
lose weight,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Desk Yoga
Here are some easy things almost anyone can do to feel less stressed out and healthier.
Eye Strain: If you look at things close-up (e.g., books, computer screen, crafts) you may want to take some time to do this. First find something far away to focus on. Maybe look out a window and focus on a tree or building that is far off. Then to work the eye muscles look up for a few breaths, then imagine you are the hands of a clock and move to each number. This will work the eye muscles and help to restore balance.
Stress Reduction: If you are worrying about something that actually is not happening at that moment then take time to shift your thoughts to something more calming. Imagine a sunset or looking at a beautiful flower.
Breath! Most of us stay with a shallow breath all day. Rodney Yee is a famous yoga teacher and he states that the body interprets a shallow breath as a gasp. Enjoy a moment or two of long, gentle breathing. You will instantly feel better.
Ground: When you are worrying or have a tight deadline at work take time to focus on your feet connecting to the ground. Settle in and be still for a few moments.
Move: Lift your arms over head, swing your arms side to side for a gentle and fun twist, move through your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck. Round and then arch your spine. Wiggle your fingers and toes. If you want more specifics please post a comment and I would be happy to provide more details.
Easy? Great! Too easy and want more? Let me know. Namaste.
Eye Strain: If you look at things close-up (e.g., books, computer screen, crafts) you may want to take some time to do this. First find something far away to focus on. Maybe look out a window and focus on a tree or building that is far off. Then to work the eye muscles look up for a few breaths, then imagine you are the hands of a clock and move to each number. This will work the eye muscles and help to restore balance.
Stress Reduction: If you are worrying about something that actually is not happening at that moment then take time to shift your thoughts to something more calming. Imagine a sunset or looking at a beautiful flower.
Breath! Most of us stay with a shallow breath all day. Rodney Yee is a famous yoga teacher and he states that the body interprets a shallow breath as a gasp. Enjoy a moment or two of long, gentle breathing. You will instantly feel better.
Ground: When you are worrying or have a tight deadline at work take time to focus on your feet connecting to the ground. Settle in and be still for a few moments.
Move: Lift your arms over head, swing your arms side to side for a gentle and fun twist, move through your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck. Round and then arch your spine. Wiggle your fingers and toes. If you want more specifics please post a comment and I would be happy to provide more details.
Easy? Great! Too easy and want more? Let me know. Namaste.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Restoring Yoga
This past week I was invited to Portland General Electric & offered a workshop on this topic. Here are my thoughts on a restoring yoga practice:
Effort vs. Ease - Effort in a practice; or anything you do in life including exercise like running, or even how you play with your kids or pets REALLY MATTERS. If you don't enjoy what you are doing or are pushing too hard to achieve something, then what you are doing is destructive; not restorative. This means you need to feel at ease with the moment. If you don't like what you are doing consider why and make some changes to bring more joy and ease into your day. I believe one of yoga's most important teachings is to find ease. The Yoga Sutra's which are ancient texts do not talk about any yoga postures but does mention that in the poses one should find a balance between effort and ease. This may sound like a contradiction but in fact this teaches us to strike a balance between push and pull.
How you think - When you are doing your yoga practice (or exercising, playing with kids, etc) what are you thinking about and how do you feel? You can focus your mind on the pleasant aspects of almost anything. In a challenging (but safe) yoga pose you can focus on the shaking muscle or you can focus on the freedom of the breath or other areas of the body that aren't working (at ease). As I work on training our new puppy I find it can be easy to feel discouraged when we fail but when I stop to think about the successes I relax a bit. I am learning new lessons about practice and patience from my puppy then I ever have from my years of yoga practice.
Being Present - If your mind is thinking about something else when you are practicing then you have lost your vital connection with the present moment. You may think that does not matter but it does as it relates to restoring vs. destroying. Obviously there is always a time for thinking about the past and future but if you always do it then it is simply a bad habit. Practice being present. Savor a good meal or take time to see the beauty around you.
Ease in the body - Tight and/or weak muscles pull on the joints so you need to stretch to find ease. For most of us we are tight in the hips and shoulders from sitting (or activities like cycling, running, gardening, etc)and weak in the back and abdominal muscles. Find a yoga class that will help you stretch. FYI - There are lots of advanced classes out there so do your research and if you have questions please ask me. I would love to help you find the best type of class for you.
It's not just about ease and rest but also finding the adventure and joy in your yoga and life challenges. Embrace life and live it to it's fullest.
All the best.
Effort vs. Ease - Effort in a practice; or anything you do in life including exercise like running, or even how you play with your kids or pets REALLY MATTERS. If you don't enjoy what you are doing or are pushing too hard to achieve something, then what you are doing is destructive; not restorative. This means you need to feel at ease with the moment. If you don't like what you are doing consider why and make some changes to bring more joy and ease into your day. I believe one of yoga's most important teachings is to find ease. The Yoga Sutra's which are ancient texts do not talk about any yoga postures but does mention that in the poses one should find a balance between effort and ease. This may sound like a contradiction but in fact this teaches us to strike a balance between push and pull.
How you think - When you are doing your yoga practice (or exercising, playing with kids, etc) what are you thinking about and how do you feel? You can focus your mind on the pleasant aspects of almost anything. In a challenging (but safe) yoga pose you can focus on the shaking muscle or you can focus on the freedom of the breath or other areas of the body that aren't working (at ease). As I work on training our new puppy I find it can be easy to feel discouraged when we fail but when I stop to think about the successes I relax a bit. I am learning new lessons about practice and patience from my puppy then I ever have from my years of yoga practice.
Being Present - If your mind is thinking about something else when you are practicing then you have lost your vital connection with the present moment. You may think that does not matter but it does as it relates to restoring vs. destroying. Obviously there is always a time for thinking about the past and future but if you always do it then it is simply a bad habit. Practice being present. Savor a good meal or take time to see the beauty around you.
Ease in the body - Tight and/or weak muscles pull on the joints so you need to stretch to find ease. For most of us we are tight in the hips and shoulders from sitting (or activities like cycling, running, gardening, etc)and weak in the back and abdominal muscles. Find a yoga class that will help you stretch. FYI - There are lots of advanced classes out there so do your research and if you have questions please ask me. I would love to help you find the best type of class for you.
It's not just about ease and rest but also finding the adventure and joy in your yoga and life challenges. Embrace life and live it to it's fullest.
All the best.
Monday, April 5, 2010
What is wellness?
How to accomplish wellness can vary based on your individual likes and dislikes. Wellness comes from a state of wellbeing and requires an overall sense of satisfaction in your life. It's more of a state-of-mind that comes from seeing the possibilities and having a sense of hope.
In general our society is suffering from a lack of wellness. Everyone focuses on what is wrong and on what they do not have. This is not wellness.
If for example you start to shift your thoughts from what you do not have to the blessings in your life you will begin to feel better. From here you may then feel more relaxed and as the tension leaves you can then begin to focus on other self improvements that interest you.
If you then include goals to improve your physical fitness such as exercise or nutritional changes then you will feel even better. There is so much marketing for different products it can get confusing but you can keep it very simple. Make one positive change like taking a short walk or having an apple instead of a candy bar each day. Little changes are easier and are more likely to become long lasting life style changes. Then you can set more goals later on if you want.
Our country deserves a better healthcare system. And it must start with each and every one of us. Take care of your health. You can do it. No one else can.
In general our society is suffering from a lack of wellness. Everyone focuses on what is wrong and on what they do not have. This is not wellness.
If for example you start to shift your thoughts from what you do not have to the blessings in your life you will begin to feel better. From here you may then feel more relaxed and as the tension leaves you can then begin to focus on other self improvements that interest you.
If you then include goals to improve your physical fitness such as exercise or nutritional changes then you will feel even better. There is so much marketing for different products it can get confusing but you can keep it very simple. Make one positive change like taking a short walk or having an apple instead of a candy bar each day. Little changes are easier and are more likely to become long lasting life style changes. Then you can set more goals later on if you want.
Our country deserves a better healthcare system. And it must start with each and every one of us. Take care of your health. You can do it. No one else can.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The best athletes have coaches
If you are watching the Winter Olympics you probably notice that every athlete has a coach. The best in the sporting world understand the value of having unconditional support. Here are some benefits of a life coach:
To make lasting positive life change you must understand that subconscious programming plays a role. Your 'hard wiring' takes time to change and working with a coach allows you to figure it all out and to keep the focus you need.
A coach can help you discover the root cause for your sabotage and procrastination. If there is a goal that you just can't seem to accomplish then you fall into this category. Your coach will observe your behaviors through the way you communicate and can point out things you may not have noticed on your own.
Trying to break an undesirable habit is challenging for many reasons and a coach can help you to get to the bottom of it once and for all. Practice is the name of the game. And knowing you have to report back to your coach can help you stick with the practice (vs. putting it off just one more day).
You discover new approaches you may not have thought of on your own.
You will feel motivated by the encouragement you get.
You will enjoy the journey more if you feel like you are not alone.
Don't waste any more time. Believe you are ready to be your very best & make it happen. Call for a free consultation. 503-939-9552
To make lasting positive life change you must understand that subconscious programming plays a role. Your 'hard wiring' takes time to change and working with a coach allows you to figure it all out and to keep the focus you need.
A coach can help you discover the root cause for your sabotage and procrastination. If there is a goal that you just can't seem to accomplish then you fall into this category. Your coach will observe your behaviors through the way you communicate and can point out things you may not have noticed on your own.
Trying to break an undesirable habit is challenging for many reasons and a coach can help you to get to the bottom of it once and for all. Practice is the name of the game. And knowing you have to report back to your coach can help you stick with the practice (vs. putting it off just one more day).
You discover new approaches you may not have thought of on your own.
You will feel motivated by the encouragement you get.
You will enjoy the journey more if you feel like you are not alone.
Don't waste any more time. Believe you are ready to be your very best & make it happen. Call for a free consultation. 503-939-9552
life change,
life coaching,
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Introducing Yen Path
I haven't posted in a while but have some exciting news. I want to introduce Yen Path; a new product line I am rolling out. There will be a new website and blog in the next few months and after that a CD and then the book titled Yen Path: A Method for Fulfilling Your Desires. I have other product ideas in mind too.
Yen means longing, yearning or desire. Most of us are too busy to pay attention to ours and I want to help people to find easy ways of doing so. Life is so much more meaningful when you know what want and how to begin to make it happen.
The changes start immediately by allowing you to use the power of positive thought. Yen Path is not about an end result; it's about living in the moment.
I will keep you posted and in the mean time take a moment to think about something that makes you feel really good inside.
All the best.
I haven't posted in a while but have some exciting news. I want to introduce Yen Path; a new product line I am rolling out. There will be a new website and blog in the next few months and after that a CD and then the book titled Yen Path: A Method for Fulfilling Your Desires. I have other product ideas in mind too.
Yen means longing, yearning or desire. Most of us are too busy to pay attention to ours and I want to help people to find easy ways of doing so. Life is so much more meaningful when you know what want and how to begin to make it happen.
The changes start immediately by allowing you to use the power of positive thought. Yen Path is not about an end result; it's about living in the moment.
I will keep you posted and in the mean time take a moment to think about something that makes you feel really good inside.
All the best.
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