Sunday, May 2, 2010

My new talk radio show

Starting Tuesday 5/11/10 I will be on WKSC1300 AM and from 9-10 am pacific time (noon eastern time). The show will be called Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach and I will provide information and motivation to get you going on your path to wellness. The show will be on every Tuesday through Friday and I hope you can join us.

Wellness is an overall sense of wellbeing and a big part of wellness is a healthy mind and body.

To have a healthy mind you must learn how to relax and how to focus on positive thoughts. There is scientific proof that positive thoughts improve health and can even have miraculous healing qualities.

To have a healthy body you must take care of it. This includes a healthy diet and exercise but neither need to be 'hard'. The show will share ideas so you can connect with feeling good about your choices; of which there are many. Other factors things like your environment, which includes decluttering, and getting plenty of rest.

For every excuse you have there is someone out there to prove you wrong. You may think you are too busy or don't have enough money but trust me -- there are people out there busier and poorer that are doing it. The show will share these inspiring stories as well.

If you ever want to be a guest on my show please let me know. We'll schedule some time to talk about your topic and see if it is a good fit.

Just don't give up. Let's enjoy life and create wellbeing.


  1. FYI - The show will be Tuesday through Friday; not Monday.

  2. what a great and inspirational first show.
    Danny, Maria, MaryFrances
