Saturday, May 22, 2010

Overview of topics covered on The Jenny Gallagher Your Wellness Coach Show

What a great first two weeks with my new talk radio show. If you want to start listening in go to every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time. Just click on Listen to Live Radio. Pretty soon there will be recordings of the shows and I will be on other stations. I will keep you posted.

The first week I focused primarily on creating a basis. I introduced myself and wanted to make sure my listeners know I am their wellness coach. While the results may not be as good a phone coaching (because I cannot have a two-way conversation); my objective is to share coaching, nutrition, fitness and wellness tips. I want to educate and motivate. I want you to get started today with your goals. If you are too busy then your goal is to make the time or find the resources so you can get going.

I shared my definition of wellness; which is wholeness. Wellness is everything: health, finances, relationships, career, selfcare...

I talked about nutrition and the importance of providing the body with nutrients. A diet high in refined carbohydrates leaves the body starving and contributes to over eating. Plus too much sugar (yes you get sugar from breads and pasta) makes your body rely on insulin and over time can create resistance. Good foods give you energy; they don't take it. So if you want to start to feel better immediately begin to consider small changes you can make with your diet. Maybe replace one bad habit with a new good one. Did you know an apple will wake you up more than a coffee? Especially if there is sugar in the coffee.

I talked about fitness and in the upcoming weeks I will have guests on my show to share their success stories and products they like. Some will talk about nutrition as well. Both diet and exercise will help you to feel better. But think of exercise as play time. Even a 5 minute walk will improve your mood. Start small. The small successes will lead to bigger ones.

My book Four Steps to a Better Life was the topic this past Tuesday. Just remember I-C-A-N. If you want more information about my book go to

Wednesday the topic of emotional eating was covered. Why we do it and also what unmet needs are. If you are eating because you are bored, lonely, or even as a way of celebrating it is possible you are over doing it. Stop and think about what you are eating and why. And most importantly don't eliminate the foods you love. There are no bad foods; just moderate. Have those cookies today and an apple tomorrow.

Thursday life balance and life style topics were covered. Many times we are suffering from over load. If you are feeling stressed out there are solutions. Consider scheduling a one-hour coaching call to figure out what those solutions are for you.

Friday my guest was Kathi Joy and she talked about Vitamin G, which is greenery. Getting outside or brining the outside in can really help you to find balance and gain clarity. If you want more information about Kathi you can go to She has free videos you can watch. Check it out!

Next week I have some really great guests so listen in. Here's to a great week and Live Well!

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