Monday, October 25, 2010

When the Unexpected Happens

As I was typing my title for this posting I noticed a little green frog looking at me from the inside of my window. Then I saw another one. You may be thinking that's not a big deal but for me it is. It's funny that I am living back in FL with my fear of reptiles. I have water on two sides of the house so there is all kinds of wildlife from little one inch frogs to big alligators. Except for my fear of things that slither and hop, I have to say Florida life suits me very well. But on to my topic.

Most of us like to feel that we have some sense of control but when unexpected events occur that myth is apparent. While you may not always be in control, whats important is to not panic or freeze. How can you continue to move towards your goals when the unexpected happens? Here's how:

1) Evaluate the situation (unless there are safety concerns and the act immediately) - Otherwise take time to access the situation. It can be easy to create a big deal out of something small so take time to adjust when at all possible. For example; if someone at work got the promotion you were expecting don't run in to your boss' office and say things you may regret later.

2) Re-examine your goal - Is it still worth moving forward with your original plan or is there a need for a change? For example you may want to look at your core values, beliefs, needs, etc. as it relates to your goal - Is there something here that you can use to anchor you to get you back on track or do you want to make some changes to your goal? If you want more information on these topics you can purchase a copy of my book Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) for $9.95

3)Create a new plan - It's important to get back into action as quickly as possible to avoid stagnation. Many times a hurdle is perceived as an indication that you are not meant to achieve that goal and that is simply not true. Be creative and figure out another way or just try again.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at