Do you feel tired and apathetic? Or do you find your tendency is to start a lot of projects but you never seem to finish anything? Either way you are not using your energy to your advantage. When you feel good, everything is easier. You will be more productive and happier. And you will be more likely to have good eating and exercise habits. This momentum leads you to greater health and overall wellbeing. Your skin will look better. Your stamina will increase. Your likelihood of success in all areas of your life will improve. There are many ways to harness your energy. Here are some:
- Nutrition - Athletes understand the value of eating nutritious foods. When you fuel your body correctly, you get peak performance in all that you do. This does not mean you need to deprive yourself of foods you love. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Can you create a belief that feeling your best and having great energy will create joy and opportunities? If so, then it will become easier for you to make smart choices.
Our society in general has become confused and unclear on how to eat well. There are so many “diets” and therefore so many contradictions. Here is a simple rule of thumb.
1. Have your biggest meal mid day. This is when your digestive fires are the strongest, so you will digest your food better. Plus this is when you need food. Think of it as throwing some logs on a fire. Why would you do that in the evening before you go to sleep? If you do this right you will have good energy in the afternoon and think more clearly. For those of you used to the 3 pm crash this may be hard to believe. But if you are eating whole grains, lean proteins, good fats, fruits and vegetables, then you will notice an improvement in your energy level. And you won’t be starving when you get home and eat non-stop from dinner till bedtime. Another advantage to a light supper is then the body can use nighttime for restoring and healing the body (versus digesting food it does not need).
2. Think about why you eat. Are you satisfying another need like boredom or stress relief? If so there are lots of better ways to satisfy those needs. One great example that would work for both of those needs would be getting out for a walk. Other times we eat because of cravings. This is a good reason to get off the stimulants like sugars and caffeine. It can take a few days to a week to detoxify the body from these substances but after that you will be amazed how good you feel. Your energy levels will stabilize. You won’t be constantly thinking about food. This can be very liberating and well worth the momentary struggles with the detoxification process.
3. Don’t label foods as “good” or “bad”. In other words, don’t deprive yourself. If you enjoy apple pie then sit and enjoy every bite. Mindful eating is a great way to enjoy foods. If you have the TV on, or are sitting at the computer, or having an unpleasant mealtime conversation (i.e. gossiping, arguing, or talking about work), then you will not even realize you just ate your favorite food. So sit and just eat. If you are sharing a meal with others enjoy pleasant conversation. You will digest your food better and you will enjoy the experience much more. Plus the body must use a lot of energy to digest food, so make this the priority. And eating food more slowly gives the brain time to register when the stomach is full, so you will probably eat less. One last comment. If you eat your favorite food and feel bad or guilty afterwards, why bother? Instead feel very fortunate that you have the resources available to you to enjoy that food. Love it. Eat it. Then forget about food and get on with your life.
4. Eat only foods that taste good to you. Most of us know broccoli is good for us. But if you hate broccoli your digestive enzymes won’t activate as well, and therefore you will get less nutritional value from the broccoli. This does not mean it’s a good idea to eat a lot of fast foods. Instead, find healthy foods you enjoy.
- Exercise – Many people avoid exercise because it feels like work. If it feels like an energy drain than it isn’t the right type of exercise for you, so find things you enjoy doing. You will increase your metabolism and burn more calories. The right type of exercise for you will give you energy. Walking is a great way to get exercise. Only jog if you enjoy it. If you hate the gym, spend more time outdoors. Just like eating, do only what you enjoy.
-Learning new things – This is a great way to exercise the mind and prevent apathy that comes from boredom. Learning new things keeps the mind alert and keeps you interesting. Another huge benefit is that learning new things can prevent dementia. Find topics that are interesting to you. Read books, do research on the internet. Join groups and take classes.
-Body work - Have you ever tried a massage? Or acupuncture? There are many good ways to channel your energy through these modalities.
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